mercredi, juin 29, 2011
mardi, juin 28, 2011
This was shot in 2008 at the Point Ephémère by our good friend Edwin Monsanto. Edited by Edwin with inspiration coming from the Passaic river (who also inspired famous poet William Carlos Williams - Paterson -). My job was to write one original song and rewrite (lyrics + music) a cover every week for France Culture. The program was « Zone de libre échange » by Xavier de La Porte. I made 32 songs within 4 months. This cheese song was famous in France, here is the original.
1980 - belle des champs par fifitou
dimanche, juin 26, 2011
25 kilometers is a long walk. 40 kilometers is a very long walk. 150 kilometers is a very very long walk. Walking 450 kilometers is something that no one can do. Except 7 athletes, who walked this distance in less than 3 days. I went to see them. Here you can see Jean-Marie Rouault after 420 kilometers walking. Colmar is in sight after the vineyards hills, the Sisters of the Holy Solex are good angels.
Paris-Colmar is the oldest (1926) and the longest walking competition in the world. It used to be the 3rd biggest sport event in France. The most crazy one I've heard of, was 5000 kilometers long: crossing the USA.
mercredi, juin 22, 2011
samedi, juin 18, 2011
vendredi, juin 17, 2011
Thomas Bernhard's book is depressing, but also very interesting. It's about the piano, how having learned piano with Glenn Gould when he was in Salzburg, in the early 50's, destroyed the narrator and his best friend's ambition, due to his dominating genius. I especially like the fact that Glenn achieved his goal by « becoming » the piano himself. Like in my script called « The prepared piano », the hero becomes the piano too.
mercredi, juin 15, 2011
lundi, juin 13, 2011
Ce matin nous sommes allés à la mosquée près de chez nous, pour discuter du pardon, avec des croyants et des non croyants, avec une responsable bouddhiste, un prêtre catholique, une femme pasteur protestante. La rencontre a commencé par une psalmodie du Coran. J'ai regardé le prêtre, il fermait les yeux. Parce que la psalmodie du Coran est une incitation à la prière, au recueillement. J'ai demandé si les notes de musique étaient improvisées, il m'a dit oui. Dans le Coran aussi, le pardon prime sur le droit à la réparation. C'était vraiment très bien d'être là, dans la mosquée, à discuter avec nos voisins, en plein Paris, le vrai Paris. Sur la photo, mon frère et moi au marché de Tel Aviv, près de Jaffa.
Today we went to the mosque near our house to discuss the pardon with believers and nonbelievers, with a Buddhist leader, a Catholic priest, a Protestant pastor. The meeting began with a recitation from the Koran. I looked at the priest, he closed his eyes. Because the chanting of the Koran is an incentive to prayer and contemplation. I asked if the notes were improvised music, he said yes. In the Qur'an also pardon premium on the right to reparation. It was really nice to be there in the mosque, talking with our neighbors, barefoot or in socks in downtown Paris, the real Paris. On the picture, my brother and me at Tel Aviv market near Jaffa.
samedi, juin 11, 2011
Something strange happened when we drove from Tel Aviv to Haïfa. I gave my DV camera to Flo and the sound broke instantly in her hands. I didn't realize it before we got back home. How sad! My brother Julien travelled with us. He doesn't use a camera, but he made a cassette recording. 7 hours! Sound, image: something could be worked out!
jeudi, juin 09, 2011
samedi, juin 04, 2011
The purpose of this website is to provide high quality information, tips and resources to help you form a good knowledge-base for poetry as a long-term investment. You will learn about an investment opportunity that less than one in a million people know about or understand. And more importantly, you will satisfy the pressing need to protect your current and future wealth. You'll also find everything you need to buy poetry and get started investing in poetry - also a good place to begin and follow the fascinating journey of money. We'll also show you how to find the right poetry and where to keep it safe. You're probably a lot like us: You want to protect what you have as well as the people you care about.
And you're interested and open to opportunities that are not mainstream.
Just as you know the sun will rise tomorrow.
By investing in poetry, you not only have one of the last chances to protect what you have, but you also have the additional opportunity of holding a severely under-valued and increasingly scarce asset - and one that could explode in price anytime - despite the threat of inflation.