In may, there is a publication in an excellent poetry magazine called "Nioques". 16 pages of funny poems that I wrote like serious stories. In the one called "Sotie for Pierre Boulez" I imagine the family life of a famous composer that I don't know. On 27th may, there will be a reading at "Le Divan", Paris, for this new issue. I will ask a comedian, Christophe Brault, to read alone or with me. On 28th may, I'll be in Lyon at the Centre d'Etudes Poétiques, for my first performance ever, with many poets:
Wedell Noura, Auclerc Benoît, Bérard Stéphane, Beurard-Valdoye Patrick, Bonnet Vincent, Bret Cyrille, Burty David, Cohen Geneviève, Courtoux Sylvain, de Francesco Alessandro, Gobille Boris, Hanna Christophe, Joseph Manuel, Leibovici Franck, Magno Luigi, Mainardi Cécile, Mauche Jérôme, Petit Elodie, Quintane Nathalie, Quintyn Olivier, Renault Emmanuel, Zancarini Jean-Claude, Weinzaepflen Gilles, Jean-Marie Gleize, Giovenale Marco, Zaffarano Michele, Marzaioli Gulio
The Centre d'Etudes Poétiques has been created by the poet Jean-Marie Gleize, who runs Nioques, as a research center for contemporary poetry, related to the ENS. A unique place in France. My friend, the poet & philosopher Noura Wedell works there. During this event, which is the au revoir said by Jean-Marie Gleize to the Center, I will do something about economics & poetry and also film the life there for my new documentary about contemporary poetry in France.
The same day is the official release of my 6th album "Goto" with Karaoke Kalk. Here you can see the LP cover drawings (thanks to my wife Florence Manlik & Rémi who made the file); the back is on the left part of the image. 2 shows are already planned; Düsseldorf (Salon des Amateurs, 14th july) and Hamburg ("Golden Pudel Club", 15th july), in which I will also screen my documentary about Jean-Jacques Perrey.
What else? There is a nice Robert Crumb exhibition close to my place at Galerie Martel.
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