mardi, avril 06, 2010

couv. livre gilles

This is not far from what the future cover of "Noël Jivaro", published by Le Clou dans le Fer and Michaël Battala should look like. If we are lucky, my book could be printed in june 2010. Here is the first poem from the first section "Mille colombes".

Quelle que soit l'ampleur du désastre
Les feux de forêt ont commencé feux de brindilles
Il n’existe pas de pompier de taille pour lutter contre
L’échelle est beaucoup trop haute
Impossible pour les Canadair de viser de si haut
Il faut attendre que les feux de brindilles soient devenus
Feux de forêt pour intervenir

Whatever the scale of the disaster
Forest fires have started fires of twigs
There is no sized firefighter to fight against
The ladder is much too high
Impossible for the Canadair to aim from so high
We must wait until the twigs fires have become
Forest fires to intervene

(Google translation)