Having moved to the new appartment 2 weeks ago, thanks to our friends physical help and psychological support (special thanks to Aurélien, François, Olivier, Rémi, Elizabeth), we have been busy finishing our installation. Florence is back to drawing after 4 months of severe frustration due to the hard work we had to make ourselves/ourslaves. The street where we live now is ugly but we love it. It looks like an ancient prostitution street, and in fact it was. The man who grew up here recalls the dames de petites vertus bringing him home from school. A sudden descente de police during the sixties stopped this activity. The ancient hôtels de passe have become hôtels de la honte, the same hotels for poor strangers as the Paris Opera who burned exactly 3 years ago in 2005. Hopefully, they are being renovated...
Now I'm going back to music but technically, nothing works except my imagination. I could eventually send to Karaoke Kalk a new track for his forthcoming compilation, a track called l'Esprit de l'inventeur featuring the voice of Michel Gondry. The french director talked to me about his grand father, inventor of the electronic bells and the clavioline, one proto-synth I do own. I finish to correct the script of the Prepared piano and will go back soon to the post-production of Prelude to Sleep, Jean-Jacques Perrey's documentary, which was an incredible film to make, a blessed experience because everything was working like in a dream. How could I imagine, for instance, that Angelo Badalamenti would play Visa to the Stars on the piano, one track he composed with Jean-Jacques in the early sixties? The film should be finished in may but I will need to add english subtitles right after. Contributions for correcting my french to english translations are welcome! What else...
I'm reading a book about the origins of christianism and learn a lot about the Qumran manuscripts, the Essenians, the reality of Israël during this strange period of roman occupation. I need to know more about Jesus in his context to be able to figure out what his coming was, as a reality event and not only a reported reality event. It has nothing to do with faith. I need to know more about the context of Jesus life; I promise that I won't become Franco Zeffirelli or Mel Gibson if one day - who knows. Pasolini's Jesus is alright, apart from his 'ragazzi' tendency: his Jesus is much too beautiful. “He has no form nor glory, nor beauty when we beheld him, but his appearance was without honor and inferior to that of the sons of men.” (Isaiah 53)
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